A Century of Policy Advice at No.10 – Part One
...a substantial concern. In a note drafted in March 1918 Adams provided an assessment of the performance of the Garden Suburb. He described how team members maintained ‘free and informal’...
...a substantial concern. In a note drafted in March 1918 Adams provided an assessment of the performance of the Garden Suburb. He described how team members maintained ‘free and informal’...
Researcher in Residence: Progress Report III My name is Jack Brown and I am the first ‘Researcher in Residence’ at No. 10 Downing Street, based at the Policy Institute at King’s, King’s College London. As part of my role …
...At the bottom of the list of attendees at the 9 December War Cabinet meeting are two names: Lieutenant-Colonel Sir M.P.A Hankey, described as the ‘Secretary’; and Lieutenant-Colonel W. Dally...