The American Congress and the American people have never accepted any literal principle of equal sacrifice, financial or otherwise, between all the allied participants. Indeed, have we ourselves? Lord Keynes, defending the Agreement in the House of Lords, 18 December …
VJ Day brought the Second World War to an end, but also brought many challenges for the future, for the victors as well as the defeated.
With a flurry of diplomatic activity in the first 3 days of September 1939, was the Second World War inevitable?
Once the Allies decided to land in Normandy, they identified the need to practice.
On 31 March 1939 Neville Chamberlain committed Britain to defending Polish independence. After years of trying to preserve peace and buy time for rearmament, he recognised that international developments and domestic opinion meant this guarantee was necessary, though it was to mean war with Germany 6 months later.
...had a premonition because he wouldn’t jump.’ Dogs prove their worth, post-1945 Experience gained with mine detection dogs during the Second World War paved the way for the use of...