Prime Ministers and No. 10
When Parliament met on 10 April to pay tribute to Baroness Thatcher, Prime Minster David Cameron observed that, ‘at a time when it was difficult for a woman to become a Member of Parliament, almost inconceivable that one could lead …
...Tom Crewe. This article was produced as part of the No10 Guest Historian series, coordinated by History & Policy. Keep tabs on the past: sign up for our email alerts...
...and his greater willingness later in his reign to adapt to the realities of parliamentary monarchy – the constitutional system we still have today. In the 1760s, both King and...
In Anthony Trollope’s 1876 novel The Prime Minister, the Prime Minister of the title is Plantagenet Palliser, the Duke of Omnium. It may today appear very strange that a member of the House of Lords could head the British government. …
...the newly formed BBC, wrote to the King in 1923 to inquire whether he would be interested in ‘delivering a message to his people’ on a significant holiday such as... expand the franchise to incorporate elements of the new middle class, redistribute parliamentary seats to ensure better representation for the industrial towns, and eliminate the ‘rotten boroughs’, such as...
...the Conservative Party split over the repeal of the protectionist Corn Laws in 1846). Although the Cabinet was united in their advocacy of Free Trade, this rich political compound contained...
...arrive and were often written in code in case they were stolen by foreign spies. When his conduct at the 1814 Congress of Vienna was later challenged in Parliament, Castlereagh... heiresses: when Rosebery died in 1929, he left £1.7 million – the equivalent of nearly £60 million in today’s money. But some former Prime Ministers had money troubles, both... the way in which intelligence was collated and assessed by the JIC, stressing that assessment should be free from policy (or political) considerations. She also expressed a wish to...